Saturday, February 26, 2011

Girls this is dedicated to you....

Dressing down....freedom to dress or inviting trouble..?

Last weak I was watching an episode of "Rodies", where Raghu and Rajiv were having arguments with a girl on dressing guts and rules. Girl's point was every individual has right to dress which is followed by individual responsibility towards the treatment they receive from the surrounding factors. So if a lady is inspired by the fashion of dressing down at parties, which makes her to wear her a mini skirt and a tube top, that is definitely her right to dress. And if any of the guy around is provoked to use his right to react, she should be sport enough to take that situation. In return Raghu, rajiv and Ranbeer had to argue that one has to have guts to use her right to dress. If  any guy at the party is troubling or making any undesired gesture for a dressed down girl, she has to have guts to slap him.

This is certainly a subject which will pull out many contradicting votes. My purpose to choose this subject is not to invite voting. Just trying to share in some tips to look trendy, fashionable, hot and still to avoid situations which may create any undesired situation.

- Wearing stockings of complimenting color to the mini skirt is fashionable, and that does not leave legs bear.
- Tubes, tanks or spaghetti tops can be layered with funky jeans sleeveless jacket to avoid any faux pass.
- Choosing the proper underwear can be the master key to carry your attire respectfully.
- Balance the attire: If u are wearing a tube, don't combine it with mini skirt and Vise a verse. Micros can be worn with tops with some layers.
- Choice of makeup can put a lady in a cadre of  decent and cheap. Be cautious while choosing the color and application of make up.

What I think about the whole debate is "We must live right to dress and we must carry the guts to set the unwanted people right, but using the powers and rights beyond reasonable level can certainly put one down.
so dress down for good looks, not for putting your own self down. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Appearance and RIGHT attitude: Weapons to shine out from the crowd

"Midas touch" is sharing its thought about managing your apperance and using the ABC of Image in favor of every individual. We strongly belive that It is not shallow or about coning people by creating appealing appearnace. Its about dressing to win, its ab out Creating an opportunity to stop ther other person and take tha advantage of that time to prove your worth.
-          Appearance makes the road smoother: Recent studies have shown that appearance certainly does count when it comes to get higher salaries. 8 to 20 percent higher salaries were offered to those identical resumes which were accompanied by well groomed interviewee the mediocre.
-          Important factor in dressing professionally is   appropriateness: It signals that that wearer understands what level of dress suited to their industry, position, business occasion, his/her own figure type, weight and color.
-          Message conveying: The way one is dressed he passes message to the other about what role he/she plays at work. They automatically accept the signs your appearance give it to them.
-          A moment to introduce you: Dressing impressive is not shallow or vain. Your presentation will be seen far before people would know a person inside you. Dressing impressive just gives an advantage to one to stop people, notice them and use that time to prove your worth.
-          The first impression, first chance: First impression derives from 55% visuals (How you look and act), and if that 55% strikes then rest 45% is combination of vocal and verbal. At any initial meeting everyone who we meet are treated as objects placing more emphasis on how they look and sound. And the first impression is difficult to change.
-          LOLO Effect: Psychologist says that we lock on to what we believe to be true and lock out anything which is contrary. Every individual tend to see and hear things what they have conditioned themselves to. If we are liked by the person at the first sight they tend to ignore the other negative things and visa a versa.
-             You from the glasses of the world: To build up the correct and effective image one need to see his current image with the glasses of the people around. In the process to change an Image, we need to know the perception of the world about current image.